We are not after your job. – NLC replies Tinubu

March 2nd, 2024

In response to President Bola Tinubu, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) stated that the union merely desired improved living circumstances for Nigerian laborers and was not pursuing his position.

In a rare public statement on Thursday, February 29, Tinubu denounced the NLC-organized statewide demonstration on Tuesday over the nation’s growing levels of poverty, hunger, and misery. The NLC claims that because Nigerian workers are suffering, the demonstration has no political overtones, notwithstanding Tinubu’s invitation to “meet him” in 2027 if they wished to get involved in politics.

NLC said in a statement issued by its president, Joe Ajaero,

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The Nigeria Labour Congress is extremely concerned by the recent remarks attributed to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu during the Red-Line Railway Project’s commissioning.

“We believe that these statements, especially the ones about labor’s role in governance, are significantly at odds with the challenges that regular Nigerians experience as a result of current policies.

“It is really concerning that, just nine months into his presidency, President Tinubu seems to be implying that Labour does not have the moral standing to oppose his administration. In addition, his emphasis on political matters and the far-off 2027 election cycle, as opposed to the pressing demands of the people, highlights a further detachment from the everyday reality that Nigerians must contend with.

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“It is unfortunate that the President is unaware of the severe suffering that millions of Nigerians face. The widespread hunger, joblessness, unstable housing, and rising prices for needs like food and medical care call for prompt attention and firm action.
However, President Tinubu seems more concerned with political calculations and potential future elections than he does with these urgent issues.

The NLC wants to make it clear that running for office, especially the presidency, is not our main goal. Instead, we only advocate for efficient government that puts the safety and well-being of every Nigerian first. We implore President Tinubu to stop wasting time on political hyperbole and instead focus his energies on carrying out this essential responsibility of holding public office.

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“We must concentrate our combined efforts once again on tackling the important concerns that have occupied Labour and the government’s attention since June 2023. These include important issues like raising wages, implementing social welfare programs, building infrastructure, and revitalizing


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