Chinese scientists successfully clone two goats

March 2nd, 2024

Two goats have reportedly been successfully cloned in China, and the animals will be used to produce wool.

Researchers operating under Xi Jingping’s vision to surpass the West in scientific discoveries think they have successfully cloned two Tibetan goats.

This is the first time the success has ever been recognized on a global scale.

Chinese farmers may now harvest more furs for the cashmere wool trade thanks to animal cloning.

Heading the cloning program, Su Jianmin, has recently stated that the team successfully gave birth to two cloned goats in Qinghai, northwest China.

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Somatic cell cloning was the focus of a Northwest A&F University research team.

“Two cloned goats have been born in Qinghai,” stated Chief Jianmin. The firstborn is healthy and weighed 3.4 kg (7.4 pounds).

There are little details available about the experiment, and China is not likely to provide much more until a peer-reviewed publication is out, according to LiveScience.

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A video of the cloned child, whose birth was a result of a somatic cell cloning project—the specifics of which are scant—was released by Chinese media.

In somatic cell cloning, an egg cell that has had its own nuclei removed is substituted with the nucleus of a somatic cell. Then, by stimulating the reconstructed cell work, an organism’s development can eventually result in cell division.

Previous years saw the start of similar somatic cell studies, most famously using Dolly the Sheep.

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The first mammal cloned using somatic cell technologies was a sheep, which was developed from the mammary gland of a sheep. Dolly the Sheep, who was born on July 5, 1996, and passed away on February 14, 2003, was a remarkable success. Throughout their lives, Dolly gave birth to multiple lambs before passing away from a lung condition unrelated to the cloning procedure.


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