More About The Grant

Category 3: Web Hosting
Migration and onboarding support
Secure web hosting

Secure hosting, monitoring, and resiliency of websites during special events (elections, campaigns etc.)
Provision of human rights abuse documentation tools
Enabling access to blocked websites (e.g., website mirroring)

Category 4: Censorship Events and Network Shutdowns Response
Establishing VPN servers during digital emergencies.

Providing alternative applications for communications and internet access during shutdowns/censorship events
Analysis of internet disruption events
Network shutdown response.

Category 5: Localization
Translation of relevant documents and/or digital security guides
Localization of circumvention tools, secure messaging tools, or any other privacy-enhancing tools in response to digital emergencies.

Funding Information
Direct financial support awards are typically anywhere from $1 and $50,000 for a period of six months or less, although they can consider applications greater than this amount.

Eligible Activities
Activities eligible for direct financial support include (but are not limited to):

providing circumvention solutions during censorship events providing personal digital protection for online journalists, human rights defenders, NGOs, activists, and bloggers rapid development of tools or translations needed to respond adequately to emergencies developing centralized, mobile internet applications that can link computers as an independent network (mesh or delay-tolerant networks) and emergency patches.

Eligibility Criteria

If you’re an activist, journalist, human rights defender or other high-risk individual or organization facing a clear and time-sensitive digital emergency, then please apply.

The Rapid Response Fund can’t provide support for projects that are long-term in nature or that aim to build digital security capacity among groups or organizations.