Hollywood actor, director and writer, Ben Affleck has explained why he restrained himself from speaking at length about his rekindled relationship with Jennifer Lopez before their marriage and subsequent divorce. Lopez filed for divorce from Affleck on Tuesday on the anniversary of their second wedding ceremony. They married in July 2022 in Las Vegas after a three-month engagement and later staged a more elaborate ceremony in Georgia.Describing himself as a not perfect man, the Argo director, 52, shared that he wanted to exercise a little restraint and avoid going into gossipy detail about his and Lopezs second rekindled love in an attempt to avoid the same mistakes the couple made when they first started dating.One of the harder lessons that I have learned is that its not wise to share everything with the world, Affleck told The Wall Street Journal in December 2021. There are some things which are private and intimate and have meaning in terms of their intimacy by dint of the fact that theyre not shared with the rest of the world.He added, Im more comfortable just learning to find a boundary between things that I want to share and things that I dont. I dont know if its good or bad. I dont.One of those boundaries was discussing his love life with the news media.I know that I feel more comfortable having those healthy boundaries in my life around which, in a friendly and straightforward way, I tell you, I just dont want to be talking about my personal relationship in the newspaper.Im going to exercise a little restraint, he said.When pressed about how his second date and marriage to Jennifer was born, Affleck was circumspect in his response.I can say that its definitely beautiful to me, he allowed. And, you know, one of the things I really value across all facets of my life now is that it was handled in a way that reflected that.My life now reflects not just the person that I want to be, he explained, but the person that I really feel like I amwhich is not perfect, but somebody who tries very hard and cares very much about being honest and authentic and accountable. The Air actor added that its hard to say who benefits more from his restraint.I could just say that I feel great about being very healthy. And it is a good story. Its a great story. And, you know, maybe one day Ill tell it. Ill write it all out.And then Ill light it on fire, he said with a laugh.Speaking of how he and Lopez, 55, got a second chance at love, the Oscar-winner said:I am very lucky in my life in that I have benefited from second chances, and I am aware that other people dont even get first chances.Ive had second chances in my career, he went on. Ive had second chances as a human being. Life is difficult, and we are always failing and hopefully learning from those failures.The one thing you really need to avail yourself of the opportunities provided by that growth is the second chance. Ive definitely tried to take advantage of that.Afflecks decision to be restrained makes sense given what hes previously said about the end to their prior engagement back in 2003.I think Jen and I made a mistake in that we fell in love, we were excited and maybe too accessible, Affleck said on the British TV series Live in 2008. I dont think either of us anticipated the degree to which it would take on a world of its own. The post Ben Affleck previously revealed why he exercised a little restraint in relationship with Jennifer Lopez before their marriage and subsequent divorce appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog.
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