Portable and some of his boys were reportedly attacked in Iju Ishaga, Lagos state after he performed at a function. Posting a video of himself after the alleged assault, Portable claimed he was attacked by some boys in the area. He alleged that some of his boys are missing while some of their items like iphones were stolen. He wrote;Wahala big Palaba around iju ishaga We go celebrate with @lincon_orn wey dey sell motor Inside Adugbo wey we. Dey do show na so all dis Egbon adugbo achieve us, ZEHNATION boys are still missing oo.. they attack my boys after I escape @lincon_orn should help tell those Egbon adugbo to return @iam_sexyshay 2 iphones and my atm.. we see @dullarboi phones and car and we cant still find himI never see @bamidola_ we hear say them attack him .. those are my artist that is missing oo God no go shame us all this people are evil na so them achieve me those Egbon adugbo Collect my ice chain and my gold ear ring after I show them love give them all my money them still won collet my bag . Are they Fans or enemies”The post Portable and his boys att@cked in Iju Ishaga appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog.
Thanks god they are safe